
        The Independent Program offered by the Institute for Postnatural Studies (IPS) is a new learning space that offers theoretical tools, embodied learning, and expertise to define and develop projects that examine postnature as a framework for contemporary creation. Its duration is six months (January - June 2025), using a dual methodology incorporating both theory and practice. Based on IPS’ ongoing initiatives, it offers an experimental platform for ecological thinking and cultural initiatives in an expanded virtual campus, approaching the students’ potential from a holistic mentoring perspective. It also brings together established researchers and art institutions that will host working sessions, encounters, and presentations. The program is structured in 3 online modules, accompanied by renowned international thinkers, artists, curators, and philosophers, complemented by two in-person laboratories in Madrid in which students will share their investigation in a community-building environment.

For whom

        The Postnatural Independent Program (PIP) is addressed to a diversity of profiles in terms of education, experience background, and aspirations: students from both art and theoretical practices, artists, curators, theorists, designers, scientists, researchers, educators, or anyone interested in exploring contemporary ecological debates. It is oriented to those with a preconceived context/knowledge of these themes and a project that could benefit from tutoring and guidance toward its better definition and practical steps for its possible materialization.

Topics and structure

       The idea of a romanticized nature as a background scenario or neutral framework where human activity simply takes place is no longer valid and must be replaced by a broader and more complex reflection. From a critical perspective, we must deepen into the various layers, hybrid codes, and entanglements that compose it. The environment can no longer be read only as a resource to be managed, nor as a set of given circumstances to which we must adapt, but as one of the main cultural-material constructions of modernity. This program will revolve around the concept of postnature, understood as a political arena and subject in conflict. It will function as a debate platform from which to investigate, problematize, discuss and multiply new approaches to artistic and thought practices through political ecologies, post-Darwinist aesthetics, and the creation of more-than-human ethics that contribute to the definitive dissolution of the nature-culture binomial in all its sequels, variants and consequences.
        The program will also navigate concepts such as the Anthropocene or the Chtulhucene in its multiple meanings and implications, ecological parliaments and perspectivism, colonialism and the necropolitics associated with human and non-human “resources”, new materialisms, ecofeminisms, and queer theories. Through practical experience and critical sessions, the goal will be to articulate a change of perspective allowing for the proliferation of voices and points of view regarding the problem of nature in the contemporary moment.


        The PIP will explore different learning formats from an interdisciplinary perspective. Most sessions will be held online through conversations, lectures, and experimental embodied exercises driven by the IPS faculty and guest speakers. Each session has reading materials that will be listed and shared beforehand.
        To favor a community-based experience, we will share moments in common in the form of tutorial laboratories where we will connect with each other and respective practices through individual and collective dialogues, experimental performative methodologies, and theoretical knowledge in a safe environment. We believe in a horizontal approach to learning in which we value not only the information shared but also the bonds and possible futures and kinships that can be germinated during our time together.

In-person gatherings
in Madrid

       During our time together we have programmed two in-person encounters in Madrid aimed at weaving connections between local initiatives and international agents. These are not mandatory but highly recommended.
      The first will take place mid-course, from March 23rd to March 30th. In this first gathering, we will do field trips, visiting cultural institutions, postnatural places around Madrid to elaborate on and embody the course research through personal relationships and interactions. During this time, there will also be in-person tutorships and workshops in a renowned cultural institution in Madrid.
      The program will end with a second encounter that will take place from June 1st to June 8th. We will finalize and produce the presentation of projects developed during our time together. This event will be presented at a notable cultural institution in the city of Madrid. The participants will assume the transportation and housing costs to meet during these encounters but our team will gladly help in the organization and arrangement of these matters.

Research-based practices

      This program is aimed at the development of research and artistic projects that find themselves at a beginning stage or at a crossroads and would benefit from sharing it in the collective, interdisciplinary context of the PIP. To that end, specific moments will be set aside throughout the semester for students to present their research and discuss it collectively with the rest of the group (LABs) and with members of the faculty. Through different formats and collective methodologies, the work will be put into conversation with the group in order to create a cross-pollination of practices and interests.

Institutional Partnerships

Matadero Madrid
    Matadero Madrid is an international center of culture and artistic creation run by the Madrid City Council. Its various spaces host an extensive programme of exhibitions, plays, festivals, concerts, films, and audiovisual projects, conferences, conversations and workshops, artistic residencies, educational programmes, and activities for families.
    It is a vibrant place, dedicated to the enjoyment of culture, to artistic experimentation, and to discussing ideas in the fields of the visual, performing and visual arts, design, literature, digital culture, architecture and many other creative practices. Its programme is constructed through the diversity of the institutions that make up the Centre and through ambitious transversal and interdisciplinary lines of work in connection with international networks.
    Matadero fosters the encounter of languages in search of exchange and contamination between different modes of cultural production in a way that facilitates interdisciplinary experiences. It is an ecosystem whose various spaces accommodate a wide range of uses, initiatives and stakeholders. An ecosystem in which artistic knowledge is combined with scientific and technological research. An ecosystem that operates at the local level and which is also alert to issues that have a global impact.

        The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global presence. Goethe-Institut facilitate international cultural exchange, promote access to the German language and support the unimpeded development of culture and science.

Institute for
Postnatural Studies

        The Institute for Postnatural Studies is a center for artistic experimentation from which to explore and problematize postnature as a framework for contemporary creation. Founded in 2020, it is conceived as a platform for critical thinking, a network that brings together artists and researchers concerned about the issues of the global ecological crisis through experimental formats of exchange and production of open knowledge. From a multidisciplinary approach, the Institute develops long-term research focused on issues such as ecology, coexistence, politics and territories. These lines of investigation take different shapes and formats, including seminars, exhibitions and residencies as spaces for academic and artistic experimentation.
        The Institute works at the intersection between Spain and international practices and debates. From its headquarters in Madrid, a 300m2 warehouse with a workshop, residency spaces and shared workspaces, invites artists, researchers and cultural agents to create dialogues with alumni and the broader public.
        In parallel, the Institute has created the publishing platform Cthulhu Books.

Gabriel Alonso Program Director
Yuri Tuma Program Co-Director           

Karol Muñozcano Program Manager & Institutional Relations

Carmen Lael Hines Faculty
Elena Brea Student Coordinator & Mediation
Matteo Guarnaccia 
Design & Production Tutorship
Pablo Ferreira Navone Design & Production Tutorship
Devon Miller Project assistant and operations coordinator

PIP 2025 comunication credits
Animates images by Sofia Crespo
Graphic design by Matteo Guarnaccia